Registration Information

Badges are required for entry into BSidesLV and you will need to secure one through one of the many methods available ahead of the conference. As of 2019, there are NO Walk-In badges. Additionally, for 2024, badges will not be included with rooms reserved on our hotel block. To register for the conference, please visit this link

How much does BSidesLV Cost?

Historically, BSidesLV has raised the bulk of the cost of running the conference through corporate sponsorships allowing us to give most badges away free of charge. Given uncertainty of the availability of those funds based on conversations our sponsorship team has had over the past few months, we have decided to require donations for badges this year. The minimum donation for a badge is $100. We hope that this is the only year we will have to do this.

How do I make sure I have a badge if I’m staying in the room block?

We are setting aside badges from the general donation pool to ensure that everyone who stays at The Tuscany has the opportunity to reserve their badge(s) via the donation drive. If you have reserved a room but the donor drive appears sold out, please email for assistance.

Are there still ways to get a badge without donating?

YES! These are the methods of getting a badge through participation.

Volunteer. Volunteering for a minimum number of hours gets you a badge for the conference as well as letting you help run an amazing con with a bunch of other amazing people. Volunteer info will show up on the website and be announced on Twitter around late spring time.

Speak. Speaking gets you your own badge as well as an extra participant badge to bring along moral support.

Play games. If you are chosen to enter the PvJ CTF, you are guaranteed a badge to enter the conference. If you win the slogan contest, you get a badge. Winners from last year’s games get badges (which is something to keep in mind for next year).

Sweet! I have a badge through $means, now what?

You will receive an email from the conference about a week before the event with further details including registration times and locations.

One benefit of having registered for a badge is that you will be able to sign up for Training Grounds workshops. These run both days of the conference and require sign up prior to the conference. This information will be provided by email as well. These workshops are very popular and seats are limited. PLEASE, please, please, do not sign up for a workshop unless you plan on attending. Room is limited and any workshop you sign up for that you do not attend will take a seat from someone else who could greatly benefit.

I like to be prepared. What do I have to do to pick up my badge on-site?

We do a short early registration on Monday from 14:00 – 16:00 in the Tuscany Room (upstairs across from the hotel lobby elevators) for those who have secured badges through the Donor Drive. This is generally to try to cover folks that need their badges first thing on Tuesday. Early registration is open to all those who have pre-registered through the registration system. Please note: Early registration involves standing in line, so if you don’t NEED it on Monday, we invite you to wait till the lines die down on Tuesday (after 9AM) and avoid this aspect of summer camp.

Tuesday and Wednesday, registration takes place at the main registration tables in the entrance of the conference area. We have separate lines for different badge types. Please observe signs to make sure you are not standing in the wrong line. If you do, you will have to requeue, as we likely do not have what you need where you are standing. Note that donors and sponsors have different queues.

Registration opens at 08:30. Conference floor opens 08:30-10:00 for schmoozing and coffee but talks don’t start until 10:00. Where are we going with this? There is no reason to line up at 06:00 just because you see a line. If you have already secured a badge through one of the above methods, please feel free to stay downstairs and grab a nice coffee, catch some morning weather, get a cheap steak and eggs at Marilyn’s (amazing breakfasts, btw) and come back once the line dies down.

I don’t remember if I am a Donor or a Sponsor!

A donor is an individual donation made through our Eventbrite donor drive, these range from getting a badge to shirts and other goodies. A sponsor is a corporate paid package that includes logos in the schedule or booths in Middle Ground, for example. These packages cost a bit more than most of the individual donor packages and are designed to bring in organizations that want to support BSLV while also benefiting from an opportunity to recruit the best and brightest of the InfoSec community.

I’m a student. How can I get a discounted badge?

Student applications are closed for BSidesLV 2024.

I thought I could get a walk-in badge. I thought a badge was included with my hotel room. What can I do?

It is Vegas, have a ball! Unfortunately, there is not much we can do as we have a capacity limit that the venue and the fire marshal cannot budge on. Hit up your friends to see if anyone has a spare. In the past, people have suggested people hang out around the registration area in case someone turns in a badge on their way out. Please do not do this. We cannot have the area full of people waiting around, as the hotel and fire marshal would be very upset. In previous years, we have only seen a handful of badges turned in with several hundred wanting them. We will not redistribute badges on Tuesday if any are turned in to avoid encouraging an all day line. If you can arrange to pick one up from someone via Twitter or some other means that doesn’t involve lingering in the lobby, more power to you!

I live in the Las Vegas area. How do I get a badge?

Local applications are closed for BSidesLV 2024.

Will there be room checks by hotel security?

If a room has not been serviced by housekeeping for 48-hours due to a DND (do-not-disturb) sign on the door, housekeeping and security will attempt to make contact with the guest. If the guest is in the room, and answers the door, housekeeping will simply check with the guest as to whether or not they’d like their room serviced. If the room is unoccupied, a member of hotel security and housekeeping will enter the room and conduct a quick visual inspection.

Tuscany works hard to embrace us, and has done so since our first year holding our event on their property. We need to be respectful of their processes and policies. We can help them by putting our tools away and avoiding cluttering the room. This allows them to do their jobs, and, when they need to conduct a visual inspection, gets them in and out of the room quickly.